Legal Advice And Services
By An Experience Lawyer
With The Attention To Detail,
Cost And Value Of A Former
Management Accountant.
After hours office and home visits available.
Welcome to
Legal Advisory Work
I summarise my professional career and other work experiences as follows:
20 years post admission legal experiences:
- 20 years professional as a solicitor in private practice, commencing in 2003; and
- 8 years as Senior and Acting Principal Legal Officer in Finance, commencing in 2008.
4 years professional experiences, from 1999 to 2003, as both a Principal and Senior Management Accounting Consultant, providing management consulting services to the Commonwealth and ACT Governments in relation to performance improvement.
Over 32 years APS experience including over:
- 8 years in management positions in 9 Departments and Agencies; and
- 22 years experience working in and managing APS legal, financial management.
Edward Joseph Corbitt
– Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) – University of Canberra – 1999;
– Bachelor of Laws – University of Canberra – 2002;
– Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies – Australian National University- 2003;
– Admitted to the Role of the ACT Supreme Court as a legal practitioner with a Restricted Practicing Certificate – 2003;
– Law Society of the ACT Practice Management Course – 2005; and Legal practitioner with an Unrestricted Practicing Certificate – 2006.